⭠ all Satoshi Tomiie Bio Satoshi Tomiie is a Japanese DJ and producer based in New York. He had early success in 1989 with “Tears,” a co-production with Frankie Knuckles. In the early 1990’s, he toured with Ryuichi Sakamoto, and has become known for...
⭠ all Sven Weisemann Bio Composer / Musician / Producer / Mastering / DJ Despite his young age, Weisemann has been DJing since 1997. His musical influences ranges from Classic, Soundtracks, Soul and Jazz, Deep House and Dub to his beloved Detroit Techno and US House....
⭠ all Roger Gerressen Bio DJ/Producer from Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Owner of Ogun, Irenic & Autodidact. Yoyaku artist Born in Arnhem (the Netherlands), raised on early 90’s hiphop in Nijmegen. As a kid, always drawn to making mixtapes and fiddling around with...